New window with prompt

For the longest time, I've hade the following binding in my tmux.conf:

bind c new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}" \; command-prompt -p " Window name:" -I "#{window_name}" "rename-window '%%'"

A new window is created, using the same path as my current pane, and I'm presented with a prompt to give the window a meaningful name, with the default being 'zsh'. This is great when I need another window for the project I'm working on, but falls a little short when I want to navigate to a new project.

I frequently use z with fzf to navigate to project directories. When opening a window for a separate project, I end up going through these steps:

  • Hit prefix + c

  • Type the name of the project (to name the window)

  • Type z <project name> to navigate to the project directory

I want to eliminate the need to type the project name twice and came up with this mapping:

bind z new-window \; command-prompt -p " Window name:" "rename-window '#{?#{!=:%1,''},%1,zsh}' \; send-keys z ' %1' C-m"

Here, we're reading the project name with command-prompt, using the input as the window name (unless it's blank, in which case we use a format conditional to substitute 'zsh' as a default name). The input is also used in a send-keys command to execute z when the shell loads, navigating to the project directory.

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